Wednesday, August 12, 2009

more kitchen fun

So, it turned out they had to rip out the other half of my kitchen in order to complete the job. So for over a week now I have been without a stove, dishwasher, counters and a sink. At least the fridge is still in there.

Here is where the sink used to be...

And the stove...

All of my cabinets are stacked in the dining room, and all of the food and dishes from the cupboards and such has been shoved onto the dining table.

Everything seems to be stacked on top of something else. It's beyond messy.

My beloved dishwasher. Oh how I miss it.


As for meals, our insurance has said they will reimburse us for any meals eaten at restaurants since we are left with no real way to prepare much, but I can only handle so much fast food without getting totally ill. Seriously, how do people live like that?

 We are supposed to have everything done by about Friday, but I am thinking it may be a little longer than that with the way things seem to be moving. Craig and I are toying with possibly re-doing one or two parts of the kitchen since we are already at bare bones right now anyways, but I'm not sure just yet what we will do if anything. New countertops are a possibility since a bar counter would be beyond ideal for us, and we might add one or two more cabinets or reconfigure the current layout, or maybe we will just put it all back the same way it was and call it good. I don't know right now. As nice as the cabinets are they are not my style, but as much as I would love new cabinets it's not in the budget, so if we get new countertops it will be laminate since solid surface is way more than I want to spend to fit cabinets I would really love to change out anyways. I know, I'm not making much sense, but we are just trying to make the kitchen as functional for us as possible without spending insane amounts of money on it right now. We are already ripping all carpeting out of the main living areas and replacing it with hardwood-look-alike flooring so that we can stop worrying about the many spills and such that come with having children. I want to be able to mop up messes and spills with my Swiffer instead of having to lug out the carpet steamer. So this is where we are at. Some days are better than others and I am getting tired of living in a mess I can't do anything about, but overall this has all happened at the best possible time and I am grateful the insurance has covered all of it. It has been more than a month since they first started on this project, but we are in the homestretch and I am excited to get my kitchen back, however it ends up, and I'm looking forward to being able to prepare meals that don't involve only using the microwave or a drive up window.

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