In my sewing frenzy in the days leading up to my surgery, I managed to sew five nighties (in my next post...) and three twirl dresses for my little girls. They absolutely love them, and it feels so good to have them all done. I made the first two dresses with the same pink and brown polka dot and floral fabric scheme so the girls could be twinners, and the third dress was done mostly in pinks just for Gracen. She loves pink. A lot. So I came through for her as pinkly as possible. And the twirl factor? Well, let me assure you, it's just right. And if by "right" you mean "extreme". Oh the twirl these dresses have, it's so. much. fun. Gracen was more than happy to demonstrate this for me when I pulled out my camera...
(these pictures were taken before Gracen gave herself a haircut)
Needless to say, there is a lot of girly twirly going on at the moment over here. All I know is that I would have killed for a dress like this when I was little. Seriously, I thought there was nothing more beautiful, or fun, than a dress with a full twirling skirt. And the skirt on these dresses is beyond a circle, they're huge. So here is where you correctly guess that I am living vicariously through my children and their big twirly dresses. Nothing wrong with that. Now to get the other four twirly dresses cut out and sewn up.
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