
Baked bread often enough that I was able to convert everyone so that they prefer homemade bread over the store bought variety.

Starting to feel settled in our new house.

Picked my crochet stuff back up again and had fun with a few projects.

Made treat cups for a movie night with the kids.

Celebrated a birthday with a very pink heart cake, topped with lots and lots of sprinkles at the explicit request of the birthday girl.

Spent several fun filled days with my sweet friend Amy, who makes the most exquisite Thai food ever. Yum!

Our TV was accidentally pushed out of the tv cabinet and was smashed. We were reduced to using a 13 inch tv until we were able to buy a new one. Thank heaven for tax return time, it enabled us to buy this...

It makes movie night a lot more fun.

Haven got glasses. Cutie.

Celebrated this naughty little punk's birthday. So naughty. So cute.

Had fun making frozen yogurt and ice cream with the kids. And even more fun eating it.

Joined in on my very first Quilt Along. Loved it.

Made Green Smoothies for the first time.

Celebrated 3 more birthdays.

The start of the remodel/repairs we thought would only take a few weeks, and instead ended up taking all summer long to complete.

Haven's baptism.

Made a bunch of blankets and handkerchiefs for Craft Hope for orphanages in India.

Quilted a crib sized quilt on my sewing machine using free motion quilting for the first time. Loved it.

Had a portion of the basement tented off due to a chance of hazardous mold growth from the flood earlier that summer. An air scrubber was left to run night and day until we could be sure there was no cross contamination with the rest of the house. There wasn't.

Ended up having to rip out half of the kitchen for the repairs. These cabinets stayed here for several weeks.

Began working on a cheerful and very colorful afghan using granny squares.

Our garden was a success, and we had an abundance of squash to pick from.

The huge amount of zucchini from our garden gave me the opportunity to bake yummy treats like this zucchini chocolate cake.

The rest of the kitchen had to be ripped out, and we were without counters, a sink, or a stove for several weeks.

We started some demolition and remodeling projects in the entry way and the girls bedroom.

Craig and Dylan tiled the laundry room floor.

We removed the cast iron woodstove from the dining room and discovered that the brick wall had been a real fireplace after all, and they had bricked over the opening to install the woodstove.

We started canning and preserving.

We had lovely weather most of the month.

We picked, juiced and canned the grapes from our arbor, and ended up with 57 quarts of grape juice concentrate.

My cute sister Heidi came out for some canning fun too, and we had a great time picking apples.

Heidi had the most fun.

Picking the last of the apples for the season.

The last bit of the canning. Celebrated two more birthdays in between.

I had fun working on and sewing twirl dresses for the little girls. They had even more fun twirling in them.

Finally gave in and had Carpal Tunnel Surgery. Totally worth it.

Gracen decided to cut her hair and gave herself a mullet. *sigh*

Took her in and had her hair trimmed and fixed. Much better now.

Had a wonderful Thanksgiving with lots of food, family and fun.

Made off with some awesome Black Friday deals, including super cheap winter gear for the kidlets.

Bought some new Christmas ornaments.

Made new dresses for the little girls. They loved the aprons on the skirt. They both love to wear matching outfits. Pretty sure this won't last too much longer.

Decorated the tree.

Got carried away crocheting snowflakes...

and sewing hand muffs.

Had a few snowstorms with enough snow to ensure a white Christmas.

Fought mightily with the binding on this quilt, persevered, and won.

We had a lovely Christmas at home, opening presents with the little ones that morning, and then another round of gifts for the two oldest once they arrived home that afternoon.
Saying goodbye to 2009, and looking forward to what lies ahead in 2010.
Happy New Year!